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Accepted papers

SRViT: Vision Transformers for Estimating Radar Reflectivity from Satellite Observations at Scale

Jason Stock, Kyle Hilburn, Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Charles Anderson

Using Neural Networks for Data Cleaning in Weather Datasets

Jack R. P. Hanslope, Laurence Aitchison

Learning Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Polar Ice Layers With Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network

Zesheng Liu, Maryam Rahnemoonfar

Graph Neural Networks for Emulation of Finite-Element Ice Dynamics in Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets (oral)

Younghyun Koo, Maryam Rahnemoonfar

Valid Error Bars for Neural Weather Models using Conformal Prediction

Vignesh Gopakumar, Joel Oskarrson, Ander Gray, Lorenzo Zanisi, Stanislas Pamela, Daniel Giles, Matt Kusner, Marc Deisenroth

LUCIE: A Lightweight Uncoupled ClImate Emulator with long-term stability and physical consistency for O(1000)-member ensembles

Haiwen Guan, Troy Arcomano, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, Romit Maulik

Transfer Learning for Emulating Ocean Climate Variability across CO2 forcing (oral)

Surya Dheeshjith, Adam Subel, Shubham Gupta, Alistair Adcroft, Carlos Fernandez-Granda, Julius Busecke, Laure Zanna

ArchesWeather: An efficient AI weather forecasting model at 1.5° resolution

Guillaume Couairon, Christian Lessig, Anastase Charantonis, Claire Monteleoni

Probabilistic Emulation of a Global Climate Model with Spherical DYffusion (oral, ML4ESM Best Paper Award Winner)

Salva Rühling Cachay, Brian Henn, Oliver Watt-Meyer, Christopher S. Bretherton, Rose Yu

A Generative Machine Learning Approach for Improving Precipitation from Earth System Models

Philipp Hess, Niklas Boers

Dynamic Basis Function Interpolation for Adaptive In Situ Data Integration in Ocean Modeling

Derek DeSantis, Ayan Biswas Earl Lawrence, Phillip Wolfram

Towards diffusion models for large-scale sea-ice modelling

Tobias Sebastian Finn, Charlotte Durand, Alban Farchi, Marc Bocquet, Julien Brajard

Learning Optimal Filters Using Variational Inference (oral)

Enoch Luk, Eviatar Bach, Ricardo Baptista, Andrew Stuart

Machine Learning Global Simulation of Nonlocal Gravity Wave Propagation (oral)

Aman Gupta, Aditi Sheshadri, Sujit Roy, Vishal Gaur, Manil Maskey, Rahul Ramachandran

VarteX: Enhancing Weather Forecast through Distributed Variable Representation

Ayumu Ueyama, Kazuhiko Kawamoto, Hiroshi Kera

Latent Diffusion Model for Generating Ensembles of Climate Simulations

Johannes Meuer, Maximilian Witte, Tobias Sebastian Finn, Claudia Timmreck, Thomas Ludwig, Christopher Kadow

A Likelihood-Based Generative Approach for Spatially Consistent Precipitation Downscaling

Jose González-Abad

A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Approach utilizing Multiband Satellite Data for Solar Irradiance Estimation

Jun Sasaki, Maki Okada, Kenji Utsunomiya, Koji Yamaguchi

Graph Neural Networks and Spatial Information Learning for Post-Processing Ensemble Weather Forecasts (oral)

Moritz Feik, Sebastian Lerch, Jan Stühmer

Evaluating the transferability potential of deep learning models for climate downscaling

Ayush Prasad, Paula Harder, Qidong Yang, Prasanna Sattegeri, Daniela Szwarcman, Campbell Watson, David Rolnick