I cannot log into the hub 😱¶

If you are unable to log into the hub, please check the following steps:

If you are not follow these steps:

If you are member of one of the github teams, ask them to try the following steps:

  • [ ] Refresh the browser cache

  • [ ] Try a different browser

  • [ ] Restart the computer

  • If these steps do not work, please reach out to the Data and Computation Team.

I received a warning about space on my User Directory¶

If you get a Hub Usage Alert email, this means you are violating the User Directory storage limit (to learn why this limit exists, see read about User Directories). Remember that user directories are for scripts and notebooks not datasets! Users who persistently violate hub usage policies may temporarily get reduced cloud access.


  • To see which files and directories are taking up the bulk of your storage, run du -h --max-depth=1 ~/ | sort -h in Terminal. It will likely reveal cached files and small/medium size data files that can be removed without disrupting typical usage.

  • Delete cached files, ipython checkpoints, and any other unwanted files.

  • If you still require more storage, it is likely that you are storing downloaded data in your user directory. We recommend storing data in a LEAP cloud bucket or data catalog. For more information, please consult our Hub Data Guide and Data Policy.

Our goal is to accomodate all community members and thus we are happy to assist users in relocating data. If you have any concerns, please reach out to the Data and Computation Team.