How to cite LEAP-Pangeo
How to cite LEAP-Pangeo¶
If you use any of the LEAP resources, please follow these guidlines to recognize our work.
Add your publication to our LEAP publication tracker¶
Cite LEAP-Pangeo Platform¶
If you used the JupyterHub platform to perform analysis, please add a statement similar to this to your acknowledgment section of the paper:
We acknowledge the computing and storage resources provided by the
`NSF Science and Technology Center (STC) Learning the Earth with
Artificial intelligence and Physics (LEAP)` (Award # 2019625).
Cite Data¶
Please include all datasets used for your work in your citations using the doi of each individual dataset.
Don’t forget to cite your open source packages¶
Please take the time to cite all packages used in your work, to ensure that the essential work of open source developers for open science is properly recognized.