Education Guide

This guide is intended for folks who want to run classes using the LEAP Pangeo resources.

Teaching classes using the LEAP-Pangeo JupyterHub

Can I use LEAP-Pangeo resources to teach my class?

LEAP provides infrastructure support to LEAP Affiliated Courses. If you are an instructor and want your class to become affiliated with LEAP, you should contact the Data and Computation Team well in advance (ideally a month before the starting date of the class) in order to coordinate efforts efficiently.

Preparing Classes

We suggest that instructors preprare their materials directly on the hub as much as possible, to ensure an identical experience for the students during the class. To develop/test/edit material instructors should apply for membership under the education category as soon as possible and make sure to check out our ‘getting started’ tutorial to familiarize yourself with the environment.

Sign up students

All students should apply for membership under the education category well ahead of the starting date of the class (ideally a week before).


A github account is required to gain access to LEAP-Pangeo. It is free to create.

Instructors can verify that students have access by checking that their github usernames as listed as members of this github team. We suggest that instructors direct students to this documentation and ask them to test their access to the Hub before the class starts to avoid any technical interruptions.


Students cannot sign on

Please refer to the FAQ for troubleshooting steps.